Mentor Agile Coach
Benefits for project and agile teams:
- Project and team achievement transparency for stakeholders - with a 14-day demo as well as visibility from the Team Board.
- Transparency within the team - through Standups there is a short and regular exchange of information, which supports the cooperation and solution focus within the team.
- Focus on the top priorities – top customer value impacting topics are first realised.
- High team commitment for sprint targets realization - early detection and identification of existing optimization potential as well as required strategical customer or stakeholder beneficial changes. Clarity about sprint targets via regular 14-day sprint planning and demo.
- Continuous development - retros, coaching sessions and Standups enable a continuous development of positive and effective team cooperation. A special focus is on the solution of blockades to strengthen respectful, proactive, solution-oriented teamwork.

Agile values and principles adapted for project teams outside of SW development
We value Individuals and Interactions more than processes and tools. Customer Value more than detailed documentation, Responding to Change over following a plan.
Even though there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
We follow the principles:
- The highest priority is to satisfy the customer and Product Owner through early and continuous delivery of valuable results.
- The agile team welcomes changes even late in the project. Agile processes use changes for customer competence benefits.
- The agile team delivers working results frequently for the customers and Product Owner in regular 14-days demos. All interested leaders are welcome.
- The agile team communicates regularly in an effective exchange according to the agile team and project demands.
- The agile Produkt Owner Team and involved leaders are providing the agile Team the environment and support their needs and are trusting on the team realizing their comitted tasks.
- The agile Team communicates proactively, solution oriented and with respect and focus on the sprint targets. The team support each other with solutions for upcoming blockings.
- The agile Team is open for own continuous development of communication skills and adapts own behaviour with the target to achieve sprint targets with a high performing team.
- Results presented in the demo fulfil the expectations of the product owner/ customers and are the key success progress indicators.
- Simplification, the art to: the art of omitting a number of tasks that are not necessary for the effective achievement of the sprint goal - is essential.
- The agile team realises fully committed, proactive and solution-oriented Product Owner/Customers sprint targets according to the priorities.
- The agile team reflects the team positive and effective co-creation in regular schedules and finds solution and realizes those to enable the team optimisation potential towards becoming a high performing team.
Agile Ceremonies
Conclave Target and Benefit: optimal synchronous co-creation – Prioritized Pulse/ Sprint planing/Season/Stage/Project alignment, customer benefit – user stories and definition of done
Pulse-Planing Target and Benefit: Clarification for the agile team about pulse/sprint achievements and customer benefits and „Definitions of Done“ and target priorities. Team commitment for realistic sprint targets.
Standup Target and Benefit: Strengthening effective communication and solution findings for existing blocking with the focus on achieving pulse/sprint targets with the optimal usage of team experience and competences.
Demo Target and Benefit: earliest possible transparency and optimal decisions and fast required adaptation based on customer company strategical perspectives.
Retro Target and Benefit:: Continuous reliable long term improvement with solution creation to enable TOP Optimisation topics to achieve a high performing effective and positive team co creation based on the experience from the last pulse/sprint for the coming pulse/sprint.

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